[247] After leaving the bath, let her adorn her hair, and first of all let her wash it with al cleanser such as this. Take ashes of burnt vine(Wein), the chaff of barley nodes(Gerstenspreu), and licorice wood(Süßholz) (so that it may the more brightly shine), and sowbread(Alpenveilchen); boil the chaff and the sowbread in water. With the chaff and the ash and the sowbread, let a pot having at its base two or three small openings be filled. Let the water in wich the sowbread and the chaff were previously cooked be poured into the pot, so that it is strained by the small openings. With this cleanser let the woman wash her head. After washing, let her leave it to dry by itself, and her hair will be golden and shimmering.
[248] But when she combs her hair, let her have this powder. Take some dried roses, clove(Gewürznelke), nutmeg(Muskat), watercress, and galangal(Kleine Galgant). Let all these, powdered, be mixed with rose water. With this water let her sprinkle her hair and comb it with a comb dipped in this same water so that [her hair] will smell better. and let her make furrows in her hair and sprinkle on the above-mentioned powder, and it will smell marvelously.
[249] Also, noblewoman should wear musk in their hair, or clove, or both, but take care that it is not seen by anyone. ALso in the veil with which the head is tied should be put on with cloves and musk, nutmeg, and other sweet-smelling substances.
[250] If the woman wishes to have long and black hair, take a green lizzard(Smaragdeidechse) and, having removed its head and tail, cook it in common oil. Anoint the head with this oil, It makes the hair long and black.
[251] A proven Saracen preparation. Take the rind of an extremely sweet pomegranate(Granatapfel) and grind it, and let it boil in vinegar or water, and strain it, and to this strained substance let there be added powder of oak apples(Galläpfel) and alum(Alaun) in a lagre quantity, so that it might be thick as a poultice(Brei). Wrap the hair with this, as though it where a kind of dough. Afterward, let bran(Kleie) be mixed with oil and let it be placed in any kind of vessel upon the fire until the bran is completey ignited. Let her sprinkle this on the head down to the roots. Then she should wet it thoroughly an again let her wrap her head (prepared thus in the above-mentioned little sack) in the same above-mentioned strained liquid, and let her leave it throughout the night so that she might be better anointed. Afterward, let her hair be washed and it will be completely black.
[252] If, indeed, you wish to have thick, black hair, take colocynth(Koloquinte) and, having thrown away the insides, let it be filled with oil of laurel(Lorbeer) to which have been added henbane seed and a bit of orpiment(Auripigment). And let the hair be anointed with this often.
[253] If, indeed, you wish to have hair soft and smooth and fine, wash it often with hot water in which there ist powder of natron and vetch(Wicke).
[254] For coloring the hair so that it is golden. Take the exterior shell of a walnut and the bark of the tree itself and cook them in water, and with this water mix alum and oak apples, and with these mixed things you will smear the head (having first washed it), placing upon the hair leaves and tying them with strings for two days; you will be able to color [the hair]. And comb the head so whatever adheres to the hair as exess come off. Then place a coloring wich is made from oriental crocus, dragon'blood(Drachenblut/rotes Pflanzenharz), and henna (whose larger part has been mixed with a decoction of brazilwood(Rotholz)) and thus let the woman remain for three days, and on the fourth day let her be washed with hot water, and never will [this coloring] be removed easily.
[255] Likewise, cook down dregs of white wine with honey to the consistency of a cerotum and anoint the hair, if you wish to have it golden.
[256] For blackening the hair. First the hair is prepared in the abovementioned manner so that it will be ready for coloring. Then let oak apples be placed with oil in a dish and let them be burned. Then let them be pulverized made in Gaul, and let them be mixed.
[257] Likewise for the same. mix powder of galangal with juice of a walnut and make it boil and anoint [the hair].
[258] For coloring the hair, cook flower of myrtleberry(Beeren der Myrte) and clary(Muskatellersalbei) in vinegar and let the head be anointed, and let her stay away from strong wine and strong cleansers because these corrode or corrupt the hair.
[259] For making the hair golden. Take the middle bark of boxwood(Buchsbaum), flower of broom(Ginster), crocus, and egg yolks, and cook them in water. Collect whatever floats on top, an [with this] anoint the hair.
[260] For whitening the hair. Catch as many bees as possible in a new pot and set it to burn, and grind with oil, and then anoint the head.
[261] For the same, agrimony(Ackermennig) ground with goat's milk is good.
[262] So that hair might grow whereever you wish. Take barley bread with the crust, and grind it with salt and bear fat. But first burn the barley bread. With this mixture anoint the place and the hair will grow.
[264] In order permanently to remove hair. Take ant's eggs, red orpiment, and gum of ivy, mix with vinegar, and rub the areas.
[265] in order that the hair might be made blond, cook grater celandine and root of agrimony and shaving of boxwood, and tie on oat straw. Then [take] ashes of oat or vine and make a cleanser, and wash the head.
[266] Likewise for the same. Take root of greater celandine(Schöllkraut) an madder, grind each and with oil in wich cumin and boxwood shavings and greater celandine and a little bit of crocus have been carefully cooked, anoint the head. And let it stay anointed day and night, and wash it with a cleanser of cabbage(Kohl) ash and barley chaff.
[267] For making the hair curly. Grind root of danewort(Attich) with oil and anoint the head, and tie it on the head with leaves.
[268] In order to make the hair thick. Take agrimony and elm(Ulme) bark, root of vervain(Eisenkraut), root of willow, southernwood(Eberraute), burnt and pulverized linseed, [and] root of reed. Cook all these things with goat milk or water, and wash the area (having first shaved it) Let cabbage stalks and roots be pulverized, and let pulverized shavings of boxwood or ivory be mixed with them, and it should be pure yellow. and from these powders let there be made a cleanser wich makes the hair golden.
[269] For making the hair long. Grind root of marsh mallow(Sumpfmalve) with pork grease, and you should make it boil for a long time in wine. Afterward put in well-ground cumin and mastic(Mastixharz) and well-cooked egg yolks, and mix them together a little. After they have been cooked, strain [this mixture] through a linen cloth and set aside until it becomes cold. Then take the fatty residue wich floats on the top and, having washed the head well, you should anoint it with it.
[270] For itch-mites eating away at the hair. Take myrtleberry, broom, [and] clary, and cook them in vinegar until the vinegar has been consumed, and with this rub the ends of the hair vigorously. The same thing removes fissures of the head if the head is washed well with it.
[271] Likewise, pulverized bitter lupins and you should boil them in viinegar, and then rub the hair between the hands. This expels itch-mites and kills them.
Soviel zur Haarpflege.
Desweitern gibts in der Quelle noch diverse Rezepte zur weiteren Körperpflege und Behandlung von Krankheiten.
Zuletzt geändert von Philomela Sidhé am 21.05.2009, 14:17, insgesamt 8-mal geändert.